Karen Pence Is Working At A School That Bans LGBTQ Employees And Kids [View all]
Karen Pence, wife of Vice President Mike Pence, started at a job this week teaching art at Immanuel Christian School in Northern Virginia. Its not a school where everyone is welcome. In a parent agreement posted online, the school says it will refuse admission to students who participate in or condone homosexual activity. The 2018 employment application also makes candidates sign a pledge not to engage in homosexual activity or violate the unique roles of male and female.
Moral misconduct which violates the bona fide occupational qualifications for employees includes, but is not limited to, such behaviors as the following: heterosexual activity outside of marriage (e.g., premarital sex, cohabitation, extramarital sex), homosexual or lesbian sexual activity, polygamy, transgender identity, any other violation of the unique roles of male and female, sexual harassment, use or viewing of pornographic material or websites, says the application.
The application says that the school believes marriage unites one man and one woman and that a wife is commanded to submit to her husband as the church submits to Christ. The application asks potential employees to explain their view of the creation/evolution debate.
The parent agreement asks parents to cooperate in its biblical morality policy. Under this policy, parents are to acknowledge the sanctity of marriage as a strictly heterosexual practice. Families who condone, practice or support sexual immorality, homosexual activity or bi-sexual activity go against the principles of the school, per the document.