The last one i did solo, via a 1 month unlimited greyhound pass. Stopped to see friends, family, visited a few new places.
Now I am married. I was working a lot, as was she, and time off, though offered in reasonable quantity, was never available in big enough chunks to make anything more than a long weekend work.
But If we cannot find work before the weather is nicer, a nice long road trip seems in order. An inheritance means we will likely have a little cash(not a lot, but enough to pay for gas at least) around that time, and I figure I might as well do it while I have the time. I would love to start building resources for that now. Places we can stay for free or really cheap is top priority. Interesting people to meet are second. Things to see/do are third.
A few years back, I recall looking up a website where people connected with others who had a couch to offer for a night or two. I seem to have lost the link. I will have to see if I can find that. I was also planning to reach out to facebook friends and people here to see if we could find friendly way points.