- 'The Walking Drum'. This is one of his "non-westerns", and which I believe, is the last book he published. Sadly, it was meant to be the first of a larger project, which of course he never got to.
- 'Education of a Wandering Man'. This is essentially his auto-biography. It is absolutely amazing how much this man read.
Otherwise, yes I'm a big fan of his westerns too. My first exposure was during summer camp when I was a young lad. One of my cabin-mates had a copy of 'Flint' which he let me read, but I was unable to finish. It was years later before I found a copy and was able to finish it (this was long before Amazon of course).
In the meantime I read all the L'Amour books the public & school libraries held - including Hondo of course. L'Amour was a romantic - in the classic sense. And like many I love his stories - which more more often than not tell a tale of the "unstoppable man". Who doesn't want to be that guy?