So I heard this was also the forum for Political RP'ing [View all]
Since Whisp was hoping to get RP in this forum. But I'm not sure that works
because (a) I'm not sure Whisp was able to get anyone interested in the idea
and (b) the discussion here is almost entirely about MMO games. You tell me?
Does stuff like that fit within the Games forum or only actual gaming?
I find MMO RPG's very interesting, but I don't have a gaming computer and I frankly am waiting to see them come out with a realistic roleplay simulated world that is not purely combat-oriented (and by realistic I don't mean graphics but plot and setting.) Stuff like LOTRO that is touted as state of the art (for its time) is an example of why I'm not impressed by a lot of games since I am (was) more of a roleplaying purist that is interested in political and social realism in fiction.
I say was because the gaming community seems to have basically abandoned traditional roleplaying in favor of combat sim...
But yeah, my post was about political / social role playing specifically. Including discussion of alternate history, etc.