Especially considering that minor leagues are paid only during the season. So along with their meager pay, that's six months out of the year they aren't paid at all.
Considering the revenue that MLB is bringing in, there is more than enough to pay minor leaguers. But then again, some of the owners would be more than happy to not pay major leaguers as well. So of course they couldn't care less about paying the minor league players.
My guess is the more pressure that's put on Manfred (Fuck Rob Manfred!), the more he and the owners will do to burn down the minor leagues. They already eliminated 1/4 of the teams in the last couple of years. I absolutely could see them doing more of the same if they're forced to pay these players a living wage.
There's something very, very wrong when some greedy asshole making $17.5 million a year thinks "$4,800-14,700 a year is enough." That means at most they see a few thousand more than I receive in Social Security/SSI, with many players making less than I do.
I'm tired of the greedy assholes running baseball.