Middle-aged white man/conspiracy theorist/gun owner murders police officer in cold blood [View all]
Kevin Douglas Limbaugh, 48, gun owner and conspiracy theorist with criminal record of assault, ambushes a police officer involved in a routine traffic accident investigation from behind and murders her...
The state took his AR-15 away after he beat up a coworker last year, but he managed to get his hands on two handguns. Two days ago, Limbaugh murdered Davis (California) Officer Natalie Corona, 22, as she worked a traffic collision in the college town in Central California. Limbaugh fired multiple shots at Corona, motorists and pedestrians, and firefighters responding to the scene before fleeing to his home nearby. Police attempted to negotiate his surrender over a period of hours, but Limbaugh shot himself and left a note demonstrating his conspiracy theories.
The murder of Officer Corona is tragic; her life was heroic. Here's some of it: