Sarah,I received a call from the GEICO adjuster yesterday and I walked him through the police report.
I explained who two very large geeky guys were wedged in very small Smart car which attracted the attention of two "tweakers" (police description) at a previous stop light and that a "road rage" (more accurately a "stop light rage"
interaction between the two sets of drivers and passengers started with a lot of mutual "flipping off" of each other.
They then sped around a bit with the Smart car trying to avoid the Tweaker Car.
At this point I become involved (Car 3 in the police report) as I was updating myself on the impeachment of Donald J Trump (which is accurately recorded in the police report) I was looking down on my phone and heard a loud bang and looked up to find the rear end of someone heavily tattooed wearing jeans on my windshield. He had exited the car and was yelling at the Smart car contingent who had drifted from their lane and struck my car. The Tweaker passenger was not hurt.
The Smart Car (whose driver and passenger had lost all coloring in their face) backed up and the Tweaker passenger then reached into his belt and pulled out an imaginary gun (I think he was imagining it was a Glock) and yelled "Bang Bang Bang Bang, I am going to Fucking Kill You" (again accurately recorded into the police report) while snapping the imaginary Glock and unloading the clip into the terrified Smart Car.
Realizing that shooting an imaginary gun may have been somewhat ineffective the Tweaker Passenger reached down on to the ground and picked up an imaginary stone and heaved it at the Smart Car with the same effect as the imaginary Glock.
The terrified Smart Car exited the area at about 15 MPH and fled to the police station. The Tweaker passenger jumped into the Tweaker Chevrolet and drove off. I waited for the police.
The GEICO adjuster enjoyed this explanation and stated that he really wanted to find a way to pay this claim so that I could get my deductible back but he pointed out that their client was the driver of the Tweaker car and not the passenger and given that their client's car had not struck mine then he was certain his supervisor would not approve the claim.
I told him that he needed to check for the "Breaking Bad" exception where either the driver or passenger of a car appears to be out of the gang opposing Walter White then the claim must be automatically paid. He said that he would try but that we should try to pursue a claim against the passenger who triggered the incident. I told him that I think that the Tweaker who used an imaginary gun and an imaginary rock probably used an imaginary insurance company.
It does occur to me that Esurance should try to claim against the Smart car because that was the car that actually struck me.
Hope this helps.