An Inconvenient Cop: My Fight to Change Policing in America
by Edwin Raymond with Jon Sternfeld
It's an account of a black cop who calls out the police force for its practices, attitudes, prejudices, etc.
I've posted a few incidents of my criminal justice reform work at DU. I'm reading this book because I think it will help me understand police forces that I often have to take into account in my nonprofit work.
Most of all, though, when I've finished the book, I want to write this author with the hope that he'll take pride in what he did. He wrote that he hated what he had to do. That was disheartening to me.
The first part of the book, where he defines the problem, is very clear about what the problem is.
Here is a quote:
Under the banner of public safety, the police force incentivizes its officers to maintain the racial and social order. They are the most visible organization tasked with Americas subjugation of its minority citizens. Cops who wont engage in this behavior, who want to be valuable contributors to the neighborhood, who want to help the community instead of harass it, are kept knocking.