maybe only in retrospect, but Shirer knew fascism was the norm, and hitler's version would have played ok had hitler not tried to force the goofy reactionary bs on the 'west' (so called democracys) after it SAID NO!...look at the Spanish civil war, or Italy's war on Ethipoia, where both fascist regimes supported the bullyboys, who effectively murdered their way to power, and WE went along. I read Shirer's books as a teen, and thought as everybody that they were wonderful 'truth to power' but even way back then, I remember Admiral Donitz wasn't just a serviceman doing his duty; something HUGE was going on. The USSR would have marched to the sea had not the 'west' hurriedly pulled a DDay less then a year before hitler suicide (10 months) a creep named Reinhard Ghelin, who was hitlers murderous secret service operator, was rescued from justice by fascistic US brit etc schemers (including H Kissinger) and helped set up CIA, and the 'cold war' was already being cooked up though USSR lost 20 million people 1/3 of economy due to nazis. The nuking of Japan was to punish what Truman called the 'yellowbellies' a month after Hirohito sent telegram begging allies accept japan's uc surrender. All this crap I learned much later, but to see Shirer's propaganda honoured ...given credence when we should know better...too much! FDR was murdered cuz he no go along with 'cold war' took Spain 2 generations to finally rid themselves of criminal government. Shirer's book helped the 'cold warriors. karl Donitz was a white racist nazi who actually was busted (something the pigmedia kept quiet) and sent to jail...the people were badly served by 'r/f of 3rd reich' because it left fascists in control when we had just blown the worlds's budget DEFEATING it (USSR doing the actual work). Sorry for this rant, but humanity is in big trouble, and fascist are liars and murderous thieves, and trumpotus is just latest thuggee snreaking around the hall of power. Warner von Braun, who supposedly put USA into space, was a war criminal. When Gen Patton told a crowd of officers that the allies should 'march to Moscow' he nearly started a riot (our boys were sympathetic to USSR in '45)...
there's alot more, but you get picture.
See 'Myth of the Good War' by Jacques Pauwels for some anti dote to the bs we be force fed by hushstorians. Remember, it was these bastards who murdered JFK 18 years after they did in FDR. They need you to believe what they tell you, but that leads to hell (bush/trump), i think. The fact is the nazipoohs LOSE by winning, and they WIN by losing, so lets help them