Race & Ethnicity
Showing Original Post only (View all)Police - Violence Upon Black People - It has a long history .... [View all]
The history of Racism in America, "used the police" to carry out the prejudice and the violence of prejudiced mentalities of white society, from the time of slavery, through the time of segregation; and it persist during these times when white society continues to pursue the mentality of "white privilege" to act and do as they have been groomed over centuries, in thinking their acts upon and against black people is their right.
That's why its important in this day and time to speak about the "race" of the office and the race of the victim. We can't fix what we fail to acknowledge about History. Denial will not change anything it only feeds it to become more vile. Therefore, it is necessary to address the race issue, when the Pre-assumed mentality has been groomed over centuries to see black people as some kind of villain before seeing them as a individual person. People should Listen to Robert Kennedy"s speech after MLK was killed... Maybe people will wake up and hear what they could not hear in 1968, and learn that the root of the vile and violence was initiated and created by white society upon and against people of non white race and ethnicity.
TRUTH's... are not always like gum drops, they are often times bitter before truth can deliver its full flavor..... The white privilege of assuming black people are villains must stop. When history has often been filled with truths that the villains were white, and society denied it because it thought being white gave them the privilege to do anything they want to people who were non white. when people stop denying "white privileged has been the make up and grooming of white society and passed from generation to generation, as being "the ideal that white people can say and do, whatever and anything against and upon minorities, and seek gain and position by use and by denial of opportunity, based on skin. Then they can understand what and how the "in-groomed madness" of "white privilege" has infected and tarnished American society for centuries and decades.
Give up the vile madness that is promoted by the historical grooming of living with ideals based on the injustices of white privilege. And come to Know.... the only way to do that is go back and learn "TRUTH'S OF THE PAST", not "His-Story" the white washed white man as hero madness, that's filled the history books and promoted delusion and denied the vile within the truths that have been purposefully omitted to be discussed.
The FBI Stats on Crime- has the responsibility to document the real acts... Not the narrative promoted by Right Wing Media, which still has a core of racism within its make up, and of the 81% of Evangelicals who supported Trump, many still have disdain and some pure hatred for the Civil Rights Act's Passage in 1964 and they are with a dogma of madness against the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Some still hold madness about the abolition of slavery. Such Ignorance shall not move into our American Future, and it shall not be tolerated in our society of today.
The long history of "white police" used as a tool to enforce racism's madness has been a long history in America. The concept of "white privilege" "to do what they want" , "how they want and when they want" , and "say what is discriminatory, and then when it boomerangs and hit their purse and pocket book, they issue an insincere apology" , which is about the same as having a long history of an "all white jury", exonerate them after a brutal maiming or killing of a black person, and then hold the perpetrator of such vile as a vile make up of folk type hero in white society. These too, are a examples of the horror and madness of what is termed "white privilege". Sadly, in this day and age, there are those who will become angered and fight, and some will resort to kill, in aims to protect that vile concept of "white privilege".
People try and pretend they don't know what the "grooming of what is white privilege is"... yet, it is saturated in every level of American society, and for the 100 yrs of Segregation was spent crafting and twisting laws that stood against the black person and were established as policy to assure inequality and inequity under the application of such laws. The 13th Amendment made provision for a "continuation of slavery within its structure", which was also a means to charge felonies upon black men, at a rate to stifle and constrict their lives, as well as imprison them, for terms that could serve the purpose of making them available for this form of slavery.
The same vile madness of some who still want to promote and behold a concept of "white privilege", in employment, as well as in community, and in civic and civil matters... are still this day, angered if they are not allowed to promote such destructiveness as this concept of white privilege.
There are those still entrenched in the history wants of "first accessibility", who speak about equality, but only support it, if they themselves, have "first right of refusal", and "first options to make choice upon opportunity and accessibility matters".
There are those whom today are off-springs of a long linage of "profiteers from the viles of slavery to the injustices of segregation"; there are those today who live well, from the profits from systems put in place to ensure high profit by the high incarcerations of minorities, they ranks from the legal field, to those who provide bedding and clothing to prison system, to the very food prisoners eat. We see today, "for profit prisons", as a means to keep that accessibility for profit in the hands of yet another generation.
We see today, historical communities that were built in much part with and by the long gained profits of Slaves being worked and taxed 100% for their labor, which helped keep the taxes low for white people and their communities all during the long history of slavery. Such gained profits which were extracted by force, built in great part and supported in great part by the 100% taxes on blacks, resulted to build an American infrastructure and communities across this nation for centuries and decades... Yet, people seek to claim, they don't know what "white privileged is, or how it functioned and how it functions.
This carried over for 100 yrs into Segregation, where black people paid taxes, yet, the productions of that tax money was used to build up infrastructure that served white communities and supported programs that kept white communities with public services. Many of these people who hail from that long linage of historical passed along concepts within their society and embedded in their culture of such expectations, are much of the make up of those whom today, "whine and cry" about paying taxes; because they have historically paid low taxes, while benefiting from minorities tax money contributing and supporting their communities, while keeping the taxes low to ensure those same communities benefited most. Many today, who cry and whine about "may tax" dollars, do so with a age old passed along idea of "white privileged" of not wanting to see "their tax money equally so use for any program or infrastructure that benefits equally, the black communities or black citizens who might benefit from public funded programs.
We can look at the nature of Jobs, again we see the promotion of "white privileged", in how positions are filled, and we watched for decades upon decades the American support for Union's, until the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which opened up Union Class and Craft positions to minorities and women, and when such happened, American white people launched a backlash at Unions, even when Unions gave them "middle class living standards", they were determined to defeat Unions so as not to have means of accessibility to Middle Class Living Standard for Minorities and Women. Those who had become stable in Middle Class, did not care that it would damage the poor whites who had not yet achieved middle class living standards, as they were considered as nothing more than "collateral damage", in the overall aim, to defeat the means for minorities and women to have "equilibrium of middle class standards with those of white middle class Americans.
Racism rips at every thread within the make up of American Society, in the overt and covert aims of some to seek and pursue means to "maintain a decorum of "white privilege". which is a program that stands against what is equality, and ultimately stands against the truth of Democracy. As Equality is the foundation of Our Democracy. But, Historically, the white male in American, long ago claimed himself "as person", and neither were women considered as person, and black people were counted as 3/5 a person, and only so, as a means to strengthen the white males vote tally, which circumvents the premise of 1 person one vote. As the white males hijacked the Constitution and Claimed it was "only" for them as "a person".
White women, were a "possession", both for novelty and image standards, and to give offspring's for inheritance and legacy, beyond that she was to serve the white mans pleasure needs upon request. She was not allowed to work and become independent, but to live with a cultural imposition that her life could only be measured of value, if she submitted herself to the white man, and be submissive to his being and title, then she was afforded the liberty of engaging commercial exchanges such as shopping and being a homemaker who has provisions allotted to her for such purposes.
Black people were considered as "property" that could be beaten and abuse, raped and tortured and bought and sold...with no rights to be of any level of self determination about and of their lives or the lives of their wife and off-springs.
When people hear the passed around word of "Conservatism", one can know.. its implication is of the premise to "preserve and conserve the lifestyle of "white privilege", and its aim is to do so by any means such segments of white people deem.
We see it today, vividly in the Trump Administration, they care less about Laws, or our Department of Law and Justice, They care little about the Fairness and Justice of our Courts, and we've seen a usurping of Congress, by the act of omission to inform, and the threat of retaliation if they stand up and speak up against such gross abuses.
This is the make up and carry over and carry on of a Civil War, of Confederate Ideologist, who left the battle field of bullets and bayonet's, and took up the battles "within" our own American Congress and branded themselves the Republican Party for Conservative Values and Lifestyles.
One simply has to give attention to pay attention an what is overt is visible, and what is covert is exposed in the light of days.
Thus so... what we see today of " Police - Violence Upon Black People - Its a long history, and connected to the ways and ideals of a system continually pursuing "Conservatism" as in the premise of "White Privilege's". One has to "identify it as what it is"... expose it for and of its aims and its conduct, and stand against it, with every fiber of their being. It is a stain of evil upon the Nation's own "Declaration of Independence" and it is a disgrace made upon and against our own "U.S. Constitution"... as these of such Conservative Aspiration, think its their "white privilege" to "ration" our rights to minorities, women and immigrants still in this day and age. They desecrate the United State of America's Constitution and function as a subversive group and organizations against the National Security and the Constitutional Standards set forth in the United State Constitution, in premise, function and acts, they are "traitor'" against the "United State of American and its Diversity Filled Citizen Population. Their concept of "white nationalism", is an insult to everything our "Declaration of Independence Supports and it is an assault of unspeakable vile upon and against the United States Constitution.
Such Evil shall not prevail to Destroy This United State of America's Democracy and Its Democratic Systems of Governance, nor shall it Dominate and Usurp the Representative Governance's structure of Citizens Voices.
Robert F. Kennedy, spoke true words, in 1968 after the assignation of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Whoever shall know the truth is he whom seeks it out.
Those whom understand will also be those whom support the Democratic Platform and Push to Assure Any and All Elected to Represent the Democratic Party, also represents the voice of the peoples support of the Ideals set forth in the Democratic Party's Platform.