In reply to the discussion: OK, here we go: "I'm so old I remember..." [View all]slightlv
(4,654 posts)I remember so much what you're mentioning!
Talking about phone numbers, anyone else have phone numbers that started with letters, once we *finally* got off party lines? I even remember ours! EM7-5484! Now, anyone want to tell me how I can remember a phone number I had when I was 3 years old, yet I can't remember this new phone number I have for my home phone now?! (LOL)
I definitely remember the Fuller Brush man! He came so often, I had a running joke with my mom about him. You see, everyone in my family is TALL. My brother and sister (both younger) are 6' tall or close to it. So were Mom and Dad. Me? I'm 4'9".... IOW, NOT TALL. One day, I asked her if there was *anything* she wanted to tell me about the Fuller Brush man, or the Milkman, maybe... (gryn)
I also remember getting into the movies and buying popcorn and a pop (soda for all you non-mid westerners) for 25 cents. And that included a cartoon, 2 movies, and an intermission in between the movies!
Know what I remember the most, tho, of those times? I'm so old, I remember getting on my bicycle after school and being able to ride until after dark, all over town and the surrounding areas, with no one looking for me or wondering where I was, or sending out search parties. Just me and my bicycle and the freedom of being a kid with a working body (as opposed to now that I'm a senior with an all but non-functional one!).