Take advantage of people you know who are more than likely vulnerable. It does take a special kind of evil. We, here, in the house of the dancing zoo, are openly giving, without question... but only to those we know or are known as family of those friends. Hubby will reach out to those he doesn't know when the situation arises, if he thinks we can help. And that's where I and my cynicism comes into watch mode. I don't like to be the heavy... but this stuff comes at you in email, on social media, in phone calls, and now we're even being inundated with "government official-looking" warning letters in the USPS. Some have raised my adrenalin level until I do the research, but I detest what they do to my hubby. He's too good a man to be put through those stress-raising hormones coursing through this system. And one recently had a very good female friend of mine in panicked hysterics until I talked her down. And she's over 10 years YOUNGER than me. It's always the good people who are taken advantage of because most of us are trusting at heart; we believe in the goodness of people. I think a lot of older people (like my darlin') haven't been able to make the leap of going from the way things used to be in the 60's, to the way base evil of too many people today.