...firearm laws need to be arrived at by consensus. I know very well the odious task it will be for the Democrats involved to achieve that. Working with some Republicans is like being hip deep in a cesspool.
I realize that the total lack of gun availability doesn't mean in every case that each single murder will never happen. Some won't and some will.
The current virus crisis is a problem that will be solved in the shorter term. The virus problem is ours to beat into submission with the power of the majority party. Guns are another story. Start an assault weapon mandatory buyback and see where things go the next time there is no majority to maintain control by Democrats. How many programs could be crippled in 4 short years?
Politics is about compromise which leads to progress. That means not accepting what can't be tolerated while still making some progress. There's not always a place for idealists in this process. Even one enduring step forward is better than three giant leaps that are undone in less than a decade.
I used to be a Republican. Now I hate the majority of them but I'm also seeing that what I thought was a Republican doesn't really exist any more. Maybe it never did and I was just being a sap that accepted a lie. I really don't know. I do know that the kind of people that Republicans elect today for the most part have no business being in government or in any office of public trust.
I have a friend who told me about how his family rented from this slumlord who wormed his way into being president. It's sickening. Maybe a lot of Democrats find the idea of dealing with them at all just repulsive. They are repulsive a lot of them. They've been on a downward spiral for a long time but they're still around. I'm just thinking they're not going away fast. At least I wear a mask when I talk to them.