Louisiana Governor vetoes bill to allow people to carry concealed guns without a permit [View all]
Gov. John Bel Edwards vetoed legislation this week that would have allowed residents over the age of 21 to carry concealed guns without a permit and without training a move that has heightened calls from Republican lawmakers for an unprecedented veto override session in July.
I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, and an enthusiastic outdoorsman and hunter. But I simply cannot support carrying a concealed firearm without proper education and safety training and I believe a majority of Louisianans agree with me, Edwards said in a statement Friday. Simply put, it is not too much to ask that a person who wishes to carry a concealed weapon in public be required to attend basic marksmanship and safety training so they understand the regulations associated with such an action.
Senate Bill 118, sponsored by Sen. Jay Morris (R-West Monroe), would have amended Louisianas concealed carry permit law, which requires applicants to pass background checks and pass a nine-hour course that includes live-fire training in order to carry a concealed handgun in public spaces. Louisiana residents can already carry a gun openly in public referred to as open carry without any special permits as long as the firearm is in plain view.
Morris told reporters Friday that Edwards vetoed his legislation late Thursday night. The veto wasnt a surprise. The Democratic governor said, back in April, that he would veto the bill if the Louisiana Legislature approved it.
As noted later in the article, a special session to override the veto is a possibility.