As one who has used firearms for 45 years, I have long respected the NRA's gun safety position. Luckily for me, as a youth, I was trained in safety issues by local law enforcement officials. So I got to know the full and real safety issues and not the "respect the manufacturer's rights" bullshit that the NRA spews now.
1. The CDC should be funded to do research & records keeping on this issue.
They should be funded adequately.
There is no ban on such research, just on advocacy.
Yeah... about that.
2. We need a nationwide gun registry- computerized and tied to family court systems.
While not denying such a registry would be very useful, those with an anti-gun agenda have shown they cannot be trusted to handle such lists responsibly.
Please show me your thought pattern here. Without links to news articles or major opinions on the subject, I'm not able to follow your train of thought. Without such a registry, there is no accountability. How are we to enact a law where the current owner of a gun is responsible for any damage done by it? What happens if we can ascertain no owner- shall we blame the manufacturer? (see your response to #4)
3. No more gun show loopholes.
What do you believe the gun show loophole is? ...
I believe that loophole has finally been closed in my state (WA), except for a few rural counties where MAGAts are the norm. Look at the Wikipedia page on this for a fair assessment of what this is all about.
4. The current registered owner of a gun is legally responsible for any damage done by it.
We are in agreement.
5.0 Manufacturers should be legally responsible just like the tobacco companies.
The reason the tobacco companies were held responsible was not due to their products causing deaths. It was because they knew of, and willfully concealed, the actual health risks. I do not believe any gun company has claimed their product is not dangerous.
That said, gun company should and can, be held responsible for defects in their products that cause injury or death. I do not believe any company should be held responsible for criminal use of their product if they have otherwise complied with all laws and regulations.
Here, we disagree. The companies design and produce weapons whose primary purpose is to kill humans. The high velocity AR-15s and others like them are a prime example. The firearms industry has tried to sell this destructive behavior with the "fun" label, which is a steaming pile of Trump. What happens when those shells go off inside a human body is absolutely horrific. It is obvious that these weapons are designed to kill and that is all. All the "fun" and "amusement" accolades from the manufacturers and their Russian backers cannot cover up the awefull destruction that that these weapons inflict.