Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: If you buy guns and ammo you're harming America by funding the NRA: volume 109 [View all]krispos42
(49,445 posts)Because it puts Republicans in charge.
Every goddamn headline I've been reading the last 30 months has me screaming mentally "was it worth it?"
That drunken frat boy rapist on the SCOTUS. One-sixth of the Federal judiciary. Refugees in concentration camps. Refugee families torn asunder. Gerrymandering legalized. Hate crimes soaring. Corruption on an unprecedented scale. EPA rules relaxed so industry can poison our water and air. Gross incompetence appointed to the highest levels of government. Nepotism also to the highest levels of government. Foreign influence in our elections not only allowed, but sought and encouraged. Election security virtually non-existent. The rise of American Fascism. Abortion restrictions on the rise. Woman losing control over their bodies. Harmful and poorly-planned trade wars.
All because of people that are gun-illiterate are standing astride the path of technical progress wringing their hands and getting the vapors because, *gasp*, guns don't look like they did in 1919. Really? Things progressed? Plastic replaced wood? Controls and furniture got more ergonomic? Sights improved? Shocking and completely unforseen.
And because they can't accept the fact that those "rubes" know more about guns than they do, they try to shut down debate or discussion by using phrases like "common sense gun-control".
Because it makes perfect and common sense to ban guns that have a stock that can be extended or retracted easily and without tools. The horror! A pistol grip? TWO pistol grips? Dear Lord!
But hey, a few more "Fuck the NRA" posts will make it all better, I'm sure. Totally worth it to be able to blame hardware instead of changing our society and our institutions, or addressing the roots of problems instead of the window dressing.
I don't see how it could possibly fail, do you?