Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Swiss Balk At EU Concept Of Stripping ‘Assault Rifles’ From The People [View all]jimmy the one
(2,720 posts)beergood, regarding restrictive swiss gun policy: you call that restrictive? California has more restrictive laws. and our legislators are trying to pass more.
I didn't, but I cited gunpolicy dot org which did call swiss gun policy restrictive, & they are internationally recognized as a premier gun policy website:
You contend california has stricter gun laws than these which pertain to the swiss? the ones listed below are most all either more restrictive than california's, or about the same.
Then cite which california gun laws are indeed stricter, cause I think you're fullabaloney - only one I can think of for civilians might be magazine capacity:
The regulation of guns in Switzerland is categorised as restrictive
In Switzerland, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by law
Applicants for a gun owners licence in Switzerland are required to establish a genuine reason to possess a firearm, for example hunting, target shooting, self-defence, and collection
An applicant for a firearm licence in Switzerland must pass a background check which considers mental health, criminal and domestic violence records
Where a past history, or apprehended likelihood of family violence exists, the law in Switzerland stipulates that a gun licence should be denied or revoked
Permits for carrying in public are issued only restrictively.
n Switzerland, carrying a concealed firearm in a public place is allowed only with proof of genuine need and tangible danger, following mental health, criminal record and good character background checks, and after passing a police examination in firearm law and handgun safety
n Switzerland, civilians are not allowed to possess automatic firearms, some automatic firearms converted into semi-automatic firearms, incendiary or armour-piercing ammunition, and 'expansive projectiles for handguns
In Switzerland, private possession of semi-automatic assault weapons is permitted under licence
Switzerland, private possession of handguns (pistols and revolvers) is permitted under licence
Switzerland, civilian possession of rifles and shotguns is regulated by law
In Switzerland, it is state policy to destroy surplus, collected and seized firearms rather than return them to the secondary arms market