Never mind about the guns, who made the door? [View all]
The wooden door that famously cordoned his office suite from prying eyes was removed. Within, two handguns were discoveredone a Glock, the other a Smith & Wessonwith ammunition for both.
How Mr. Ailes received a permit for his firearms in New York City a municipality less inclined to give average folks a gun permit than a winning lottery ticket is another story. One which involves pulling serious strings. One which well likely never know.
Anyway, for abandoning his firearms, presumably without securing them, Mr. Ailes gets TTAGs Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day award. No chance of it sitting next to his TV awards, but a milestone achievement nonetheless.
The legality of the guns are between him and NYPD, but what I want to know is who made the door, and where can I get a door safe? I'm guessing the thing was there for years and nobody noticed anything unusual about it.