beevul: But the far superior in number anti-gunners had to be up early to catch the bus/do homework/thedogatemyexcuse and therefore couldn't do the same?
I already addressed this in the very post you replied to: >>> "Gun owners tend to be quite intense regarding gun control & guns, & 'vote' at a far greater rate than gun control advocates & impartials, which generally produces bogus pro gun results."
beevul: All I said was that the result was interesting. So how about instead of making yourself look like a fool in failing to attribute sentiment to me which I did not express, you just don't attempt it.
Except I didn't do that. I didn't attribute you or your OP to endorsing the bogus poll results, just the 3 responders that I cited. I clearly noted "The above 3 gun enthusiasts...", specifically to exclude you from the poll believers, even though you were apparently glowing with satisfaction over posting fraudulent poll results.
But I can generally see through ruses, well enough the power of suggestion ruse & the clever wording creating self exoneration by their authors.
I clearly wrote this explicity to you, thereby excluding you: "This is an UNscientific internet poll, & several of your 'fellow gun enthusiasts' cite it as somehow being the gospel truth"
So why don't you practice what you hypocritically preach, & stop attempting to to attribute sentiment to someone else which they didn't express to begin with.
beevul: Or, do continue, and I'll continue to shine a bright light on it. Your call.
Your bright light just blew out in your face.