I have found the perfect horror-novel to frighten gun-nuts: "Harry Potter" [View all]
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by krispos42 (a host of the Gun Control & RKBA group).
What is worse than "They want to take our guns?"
I'll tell you something scarier: "They don't care about our guns."
Imagine there's a world with wizards, or aliens, or vampires, or something like that. They are here, they are foreign, they don't give a shit about you... and they are bulletproof.
Just imagine the horror for gun-nuts if there really were "Harry Potter"-style wizards.
Strangers. Weirdos.
And that gun you own for feeling safe, that gun that you hold up as a symbol of individual freedom, that gun that you own to feel powerful... If you threaten these guys with a gun, they give you the finger and go about their business, totally unimpressed.
"We don't mean any harm to you and we don't feel threatend in any way by your gun. We don't mind it. If it makes you happy, by all means, keep your gun."
What is true horror for religious believers?
It's not atheists taking over. Because at least atheists have passionate opinions on religion.
True horror is the creeping and growing lack of interest in religious topics as a whole.
What is true horror for a gun-nut?
It's not somebody coming for your guns. Because at least then you would have an enemy you can point your fingers and guns at.
True horror would be a world where owning a gun no longer matters. A world where nobody feels threatened by guns. Your guns.
If it were revealed that those "Harry Potter"-wizards are real and that they are bulletproof (because magic), how long would it take for them to demand that the wizards remove their bulletproof magic and become vulnerable to guns?
How long would it take for the gun-nuts to demand that they deserve the freedom to have magic and wands?
The freedom to cast horrible and mutilating spells?
You know, purely for self-defense?
Just in case?
Or how about living in paradise?
Life is comfortable, and if anybody dies for whatever reason, he/she will be back a few days later after being resurrected in a clone-tank. Death would be meaningless.
In a world where people don't fear death, weapons would be meaningless.
"Oh, you have a gun? Whatever."
A world, where your security is no longer in your own hands but guaranteed by some kind of benevolent patron.
How long would it take for the gun-nuts to demand to be in control of those resurrection-tanks?
You know, just to make sure nothing bad happens?
Just in case?