but it seems to me that you post way more than you need to, and certainly you're not posting anything new here.
I propose therefore that for posters like you we create a "posting watchdog" to monitor your posts for "content necessity" and/or redundancy, and to act as a gate-keeper to prevent unneeded posts (do you REALLY need to post more that 1x per day?). Furthermore, I propose to setup a committee to ensure that the "watchdog" acts according to the posting guidelines defined by the committee. In time I foresee a national database created to track - state to state - individual "high risk" posters to ensure that they are following the posting rules - regardless of the state.
Grudgingly, to make sure that our 1a rights are not infringed and to ensure that an even playing field is maintained, we'll allow for the creation a grievance committee - we'll call it the NPA (National Posting Association).
Now the NPA won't be popular with everyone; there will be many who claim that the NPA simply advocate for bullies who want to post "rough-shod" over their fellow citizens - posting redundant, unneeded posts, and worse, posting offensive (challenging!) material inside "No-posting" (safe) zones.
It's unnecessary - even ridiculous you say? Well, show us "good cause" for any of your future posts, and we'll submit them to the committee for approval (unless you're one of those crazy NPA members - you know, the ones who declare "you can have my keyboard when you pry it from my cold dead fingers"...).