who have pointed out that the Bush watchlists are full of innocent people, and have no accountability and no due process.
"We can't have terrorist watch lists that affect people's rights without due process -- the right of innocent people to challenge their inclusion through an adversarial proceeding and get off the lists. But no such system has been created. A September 2009 report by the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security found that the process for clearing innocent travelers from the list is a complete mess. The consequences of being mistakenly added to a terror watch list can be more severe than simply missing a plane. Law enforcement routinely run names against the watchlists for matters as mundane as traffic stops, and innocent individuals may be harassed even if they dont attempt to fly." ---American Civil Liberties Union
More from the ACLU:
Mother Jones:
Nine years on the no-fly list because an agent checked the wrong box
Washington Post:
Senator Kennedy Flagged by No-Fly List
San Francisco Chronicle:
No-fly blacklist snares political activists
Geez, 'terrorists' everywhere.
Marshals: Innocent People Placed On 'Watch List' To Meet Quota
Infants on the Terrorist Watch List
How YOU could end up on the no-fly list
Various blacklist absurdities
SecMo, do you think 'terrorists' (as you define them) should be allowed to work in medical facilities? Schools? Drive gasoline tankers? Pilot aircraft or ships? Participate in unions? Work for the Federal government? Adopt children? If you think someone is a 'terrorist' simply because their name is on a list of people to check out...
As I've pointed out before, "No Fly, No Buy" is a
2005 Bush admin proposal, and a favorite cause of Muslim-despisers like
Peter King.