I hold a current concealed carry license and I carry a gun where and when it is legal to do so. Oddly enough I find that when I do carry I am non-confrontational and don't even curse in traffic. I own three pistols and one shotgun. I would also be quite happy to comply with the following.
1. Require all gun owners to obtain a state issued license for firearm OWNERSHIP that requires extensive background checks including fingerprinting, safety training, and rigid testing.
2. Require the purchase of gun ownership liability insurance.
3. Require the registration of all handguns.
4. Require the registration of all long guns with a capacity of five rounds or more (leaving out most hunting rifles and shotguns).
5. Make private sales of firearms require background checks and appropriate registration.
6. Make it a federal offense to make an unreported and unregulated sale or purchase of a firearm of any type.
While few gun owners would be considered potential mass shooter risks, handguns and larger capacity long guns all have the potential to be used in mass shootings. More regulation and control is necessary. The points I've made do not infringe upon my rights under the second amendment, I can still own all of the firearms my heart might desire. I would remind those who might object of the first three words of the second amendment "A well regulated." I have to produce photo identification to vote in my state. I have to purchase a license to marry. I must possess a license to operate a state inspected and registered car while maintaining liability insurance. I have to get a sonogram/ultrasound and pregnancy options counseling if I wish to have an abortion, and I have to return to the same clinic later to have it performed. The nearest clinic to where I live is a six hour drive away. Voting, marriage, owning and operating a car, and getting an abortion are all legal rights I have as an American and yet I have to jump through various regulated legal hoops to exercise any of those rights. I in no way believe the right to own a firearm is somehow sacrosanct and should not be above the government's concern for the common good or general welfare.
Do any of these positions make me a moderate with regard to gun control? I don't know, but I know that to the NRA side of the argument any of my six points make me a gun confiscating freedom hating tyrant. To the opposite extreme I am still a overcompensating blood thirsty savage who bears responsibility for all of the firearm related deaths in this country. Maybe I am a little of both and maybe that makes me a moderate.