I got Patches to the vet and back. Vet says he has fleas, gave me some expensive medicine [View all]
To be applied once a month. Its called revolution. I put it between his shoulder blades. The vet also insisted he should get a rabies booster since he hadnt had one in eight years. Ive been stressed out all day over the idea of putting him in the cat carrier, turned out to be easier than I thought of course. He made some noise at first, but when I got him to the vet, he settled down until he decided to jump off the table and get under a chair. I just put a little dish of tuna in there to take him and he walked right in. The vet said I should call an exterminator to get the fleas out of the carpet. Anybody have any experience with that? Anyway, I guess theres really nothing wrong with Patches except for the fleas, he said its easily treatable. So thats a relief. I gotta figure out what to do about an exterminator. Thanks everybody For your concern. it wasnt as much of an ordeal as I thought it would be. A little bit expensive, but I just gotta watch my spending money now.