Straw Bales. You must use straw, no hay, only straw. Bales are usually approximately 2x3x2. You must condition them before planting, it takes a while but its worth it.
Im sure bale cost are different across the country but usually run anywhere from 5 to 8 dollars each. They are tied (baled) but some people wrap around a couple more times with a good nylon string. Bales when dry are not heavy at all so if using more than one you can let your design creativity loose. You could keep them together or place singles in appropriate places on your property to get maximum growing conditions for each crop you like to grow.
YouTube is filled with videos on how to condition and start growing in Straw Bales.
Last season was my first experiment growing in bales, it was fun and quite enlightening. We have other raised beds that we built using the hugelkultur method. Theyre 3x4x2 and have been producing well for years but we wanted to expand the gardens. Bales presented a good way to expand inexpensively.
I tried butternut squash, zucchini, lettuce all gave yields that beat out the in ground plants of the same variety.
Lettuce was exceptionally good
easy to get to, being 2 feet off the ground, and clean less dirt than from the in ground stuff.
The squashs in bales beat out the ground mounds by 3 to 1 and the fear of squash bugs went out the window because youre off the ground.
Treated carefully the bales should last for a couple seasons after that its great mulch or use for composting.
YouTube videos on Straw Bales:
For info on hugelkultur: