I'm way behind my vegetable quota. I'm trying for 2.5 cups per day as recommended by whatever I forget. A Google search turns up some 3 cups a day recommendations. Over the past few months, I've built up a 4.0 cup deficit as of the beginning of today, and having 2.5 cups today would only maintain (not improve) that 4.0 cup deficit. So I plan to have veggies as part of my breakfast.
I keep track of fruit consumption too, but I don't have a specific goal. and don't attempt to keep metrics on it.
Meat: I've decided in order to build up my strength, to have 4 ounces a day. I'm at a 5.3 ounce deficit at the beginning of today (so having 4 ounces today would only maintain that deficit). I know a meat quota which I neither want to fall below or exceed is controversial, I may switch to tracking protein instead. But for now it's what I've been doing since starting recovery from a long illness and barely having the strength, after minutes, to get off the floor (I'm much better now). I eat mostly chicken for the meat quota.
So today in about an hour: some veggies plus cube half a large potato plus a couple of eggs (got some egg poachers [1] that I just set inside my eternally going slow cooker for 10-12 minutes). I have a dozen eggs every 3 week quota
I'm due to make a kettle of V8 veggie soup. Based on https://juliassimplysouthern.com/2020/03/v8-vegetable-soup-recipe.html
Edit - I skipped the eggs because the 3.2 cups of veggies I chopped plus 1/2 potato was a plentiful mound of food!
[1] Egg poachers: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LXBW1UI/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
They work fine: 1 egg each and they float in hot water. Just (vitally important) oil them well beforehand each time.