9 Surprising Foods You Can Freeze to Prevent Waste [View all]
Grains like quinoa and rice
These food staples can be frozen cooked or uncooked. Freezing cooked grains is a great way to have meals on hand when you don't have time to cook from scratch, says Jeanette Kimszal, a registered dietitian in the New York metro area and food blogger with The Radiant Root. If you want to eat the cold grains in a salad, you should let them defrost first, she explains, but if you want to eat the grains warm, you can place the frozen grains in a little bit of water and heat them up.
Nuts, seeds, and nut flour
According to Kimszal, the fat in nuts and seeds can go rancid sitting on the shelf, so if you have a large bag of these foods and don't want them to expire before you get a chance to eat them, you can freeze what you don't eat. The same can be said for nut flours, she explains, adding that you should defrost the nuts and seeds before you consume them.
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