I think it was a closure thing for me now that I did it. She was the last of her siblings to pass. She was the baby of the family and the last to die. So I got her together with all her 5 brothers. And my grandparents and great grandparents on her side. Then I did the same for my father and his 10 siblings and on back. I found many gravestone photos had already been taken by others. Some folks walk cemeteries for exercise, take gravestone pictures and then put them on Findagrave. So if you do it you will discover others have already helped you. Two things I found out. One set of great grandparents came from a German town in what is now Poland. I guess it was part of Prussia when they left. And, I had a great grandfather in Illinois who died as a result of an auto accident at a farmland
crossroads in the 1920s after he was pinned under the car for a couple hours. He survived a few days. No one in the family including my grandmother had ever mentioned it! There was an obituary posted in the pictures of his Findagrave that detailed it.