UPDATE: Ex-wife of Black Friday Shooting suspect says he targeted Planned Parenthood [View all]
(colour us sooooooo not surprised!)
UPDATE: Ex-wife of Black Friday Shooting suspect says he targeted Planned Parenthood
An ex-wife of the man accused of killing three people at a Colorado Planned Parenthood says he targeted the reproductive rights organization before. Barbara Mescher Michaux told NBC News that Robert Dear put glue in the locks of another Planned Parenthood clinic when they were married more than 20 years ago.
Dear was arrested after the Friday attack. Officials said he gave a rambling statement that included the words "no more baby parts." But they have not released a motive for the shooting.
Michaux divorced Dear in 1993 and alleged he had a violent temper. She told NBC that she is convinced Dear didn't start shooting at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic by coincidence. She said: "For him to plan this and go there, he meant to go there."
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According to the documents, Michaux said Dear was obsessed with the world coming to an end.
"He claims to be a Christian and is extremely evangelistic, but does not follow the Bible in his actions," said Michaux in the documents. "He says that as long as he believes he can be saved, he can do whatever he pleases."
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