BTW, I've been a fan of metal since for 26 years. It's been a good outlet for me when I was angry, and I used to be angry a lot. The music probably kept me from getting into more serious trouble than I did.
One of the best ways you can effect change in people's minds on any issue is to start with the people and places you know. DU is not always a welcoming place for those of us with mental health problems, but it is much friendlier than it used to be. Bigotry regarding people like us was rampant on here at one point. But because of this group (one of the oldest on here) and people like HS and you and me, the board as a whole is much more informed and empathetic on issues that affect us. It's a success story that might only be apparent to those of us who have been here a long time. I've been a member since 2003. I changed my handle in and ditched my old account with the approval of admin.
So you can't just go out there and start metaphorically knocking heads. Well, you can, but I think you'll get a lot more traction on the issue if you use a more nuanced approach. People often respond to anger with anger. When that happens you don't get anything but a bloody nose.
If you think about your own hometown or maybe your own neighborhood, I'll bet you can think of ways, peaceful ways, to raise awareness on issues that affect the mentally ill. It's a good place to start. I don't have much time to do stuff like that, but I do support NAMI of which there's a local chapter in my community.