Thought for the Day. (TRIGGER warning: suicide mention) [View all]
So, I loved reading sci-fi and fantasy when I was younger and there is a great series by the incomparable Piers Anthony entitled 'The Incarnations of Immortality'. Each book follows one of the five incarnations. The first book is about being the Incarnation of Death. In it, he goes to attend to this one fellow who is committing suicide in his bathtub. The guy and he have a discussion about suicide and why the dude wanted to die. The man was insistent that he be allowed to die and wanted to pass into oblivion. Since the dude had already done the deed, Death was just there to facilitate his soul passing. However, once he attempts to do this, the 'soul' just disintegrates. Death has this thought as he is leaving the scene.
"That man was half right. He may be better off without the game but the game may not be better off without him"
This thought is one that I struggle with constantly. Mainly because, if this is to be true, then it sure would help some of us to know that the game
is better off, because, for some of us, there is little to no proof that the game is so. Yet, we are expected to just believe that somewhere, some faceless person has benefited from something we did or said. There is no proof that such a thing has ever happened to anyone I have ever interacted with. Without proof, why should I worry about that statement? I do, but why should I?
(Just a thought that I always have. I wanted to get other opinions on it. Thanks in advance. Also, yes, this is about mental health support, as I do not see this as a viable reason to stay alive, which makes it a 'platitude' and almost insulting. Yet, people say a variation of this stuff to me all the time. Why should anyone believe a word of this when there has never been any sign that my life has had a positive effect on anything? I understand that some will say "You should not want to be rewarded for such acts." I am not looking for that. But, I need some evidence that I have had this effect on someone because otherwise I have to go on the evidence that I do have. And that evidence all indicates that I am a waste of skin. Call me shallow you must, but some proof of accomplishment would do wonders as far as helping my mental state. Why is that such a tall order?)