Well, number two. Our society is set up to exploit and abuse. How is one supposed to stop this without starving to death or worse? Same with number ten. There are instances where you absolutely have to have others agreeing with you. And, if your survival depends on this and the others don't? Then what?
Thanks to my untreated issues, number three and number five are beyond difficult for me. I figured out some time ago that those of us who always want to help are at a disadvantage in our society, because it is acceptable for folks to take what they can and give nothing back. (Amazing how the Pirate's Creed so easily aligns with most modern corporate attitudes, isn't it?) So, I can certainly relate to your statement about your former job. We are just not ruthless enough to be like that.
Then, there is number eight. With the constantly shifting ideas about boundaries, it is becoming almost impossible to know where they are. Unless you just want to go through life never acknowledging anyone or getting anywhere close to another human being. The main issue I have is that, when someone does something that the other person feels goes too far, their response it to go on the attack as opposed to actually understanding that someone did not know the definition of boundaries has changed again today. I am all for respecting boundaries, but when their behavior come off as just an excuse to be mean to other people, I kind of lose my desire to worry about that anymore.
I guess my problem is that I just don't see worrying about 'improving myself' any more. I don't see any reason for it as I await the final release of this failed existence. And, with the modern American healthcare system, I certainly do not qualify to get any help because I cannot afford it. (I mean real help, not those show pieces that states put out to look like they are trying.)
I mean... what if 'whatever works' is getting the hell out of Dodge? (See why I said what I said before?)