I feel like I am doomed, left as left can be,and I am horrified at what's going on in Portland. My body is not fit enough to fight, I am a free thinker,I bow to no one, no god. I have my mental health issues. I feel like I have a target on my head.
I am feeling a mixture of horror and rage. I want trump to stop. I want him and all that like him to be neutralized before trump sends those gestapo in Portland to other states
I feel that by November it will be too late to stop the fascist psychopaths.
Dems have been too kind to monsters,now the monsters have rigged the government. And they have no consicence or empathy to stop themselves or even see how hated and diseased they are.
I don't think the election matters to them because they have other more evil plans. We have to stop these plans.
If I end up caught by Trump's boogaloo bullies and if my body can't let me fight them, I'll just go away mentally until I kill myself and at least I will deny them whatever sick thrill they get with my suffering. I'm thinking contingency plan s now.
I'm having a hard time with all this shit. I am so pissed off, scared and alone and disgusted. I figure alot of people are feeling like this and having similar thoughts.
I just wish trump would stroke out. Barr would choke on a pork rind, McConnell would get hit by a bus... Lindsey would.. you get my drift.
If something does not stop them who will?
I want Biden and the Dems to stomp all these fascist psychopath fuckers into Oblivion.
Every R and every Ken and Karen..every boogaloo bastard we have tolerated psychopathy in our government for too long.
Excused them too many times let them control and take too much via thier corporations.
But how does one prepare emotionally or mentally for a fascist coup,during a pandemic,and a financial meltdown in a country with too many Karen's and Ken's goosetepping everywhere?
I just want it to stop and the people doing and rationalizing this shit reduced to silence, humiliation and powerlessness forever.