I saw that I was headed to the side of my truck and was able to turn and put my should out for the impact. Silly me, I rammed the bumper, I instantly heard a crunch and I knew something was wrong. Went to my chiropractor as I was going to go past it to the urgent care. He left around and said it seems like the shoulder is separated. They x-rayed and confirmed. I should have went to their surgeon, but I headed over to the supposed best guy. He told there was really nothing to do with this. I had limited motion and couldn't raise my arm fully, the collar bone was sticking up. Thinking that was there wasn't, nothing I could do about it I went on until I was in for an exam at the main facility at the urgent care. The nurse suggested I go see the shoulder specialist. Now after almost 5 weeks he repaired it with a plate and donor ligament. I see him on a followup the coming week, I still wear the special sling and hopefully Pt will take care of getting all the function back. He specializes in this and said its a common injury with football players, especially young kids. Its improving I hope by the end of Nov. like he said I'll never know it happened.