I'm confused on Moderna 3rd shot [View all]
Made an online appointment at Publix (in FL) for the 3rd shot and we get there and are told that we need to be immunocomprised to get the shot. They had all the paperwork ready but we were told that unless we had one of several criteria met, we could not get it at this time because it had not been approved by the FDA or CDC at this time. My husband and myself are not immunocomprised (thankfully) but we are 74 years old and we thought we were OK based on our ages. We each got our 2nd dose in Feb. so we certainly met the timeline. We were told that authorization could come by Nov. 1 but they were not exactly sure. We feel that we should not have been able to go ahead and make an appointment. BTW, we could have lied and told the pharmacist that we were immunocomprised and be done with it, but we did not. Which brings up the question ..how would anyone know if you were comprised or not? Like I said, we meet the criteria by our ages. Very confusing and not very helpful when you are trying to convince the hold-outs to get their 1st shot. Any information would be appreciated. Did I mention .I am in FL. Dont know if that would have anything to do with it.