Several times I have Googled people in their thirties who were reported to have died from Covid, and to a person a photograph showed someone clearly overweight.
My BMI had me in the obese category for some years. Last summer I decided it really was time I took off some weight. I'm currently down 35 pounds, hope to take off ten more. My BMI is currently 25.1, just into the overweight category. Even if overweight or obesity weren't a factor in Covid deaths, I'm very glad to have lost all that weight. Especially as I had a serious heart attack back in December, when I'd already taken off at least 25 pounds.
I will say that this weight loss has been surprisingly easy, mainly because at my age (72) my appetite just isn't what it was in earlier years, which helps a lot.
I'll add this. I essentially never consume soft drinks of any kind. Sometimes, on a long driving trip, I will get one when I stop for gas. Otherwise, never. Not sugar ones, not sugar-free ones. But I've been soft-drink free for several decades now, so that has little or nothing to do with my losing weight.