pair of orthotics. Visit the Healthy Feet Store website, it is full of info and shoe variations. You will need a firm, not hard and not heavy, pair of shoes and wear them all the time except for sleeping. Propet puts out a comfy tennis shoe that will accommodate orthotics. The shoes must be laced or velcro closed. Start getting acupuncture in your feet and legs -- on a regular basis. At first, at least once a week and in about a month to 6 weeks you can start to extend the visits, but you're likely going to need it every 3-4 weeks for the rest of your life. Some have had improvement with TENS treatments. Soak your feet in epsom salts up to above your ankles. Dr. Teals has herbal epsom salts, those are better than regular ES. Use more ES than the directions call for and start with the hottest water you can stand and keep you feet soaking till the water cools. Even when you're wearing shoes do your best to walk only on even surfaces.
CBD oil helps with the inflammation and pain. Increase the mg dose bottle until you find relief. If you are as bad as it sounds you probably need to be taking 2-3 oz or more a day of 2,500 or 4,000 mg. It's expensive.
Be sure you are taking a multi-vitamin. Some sites recommend ALA (alpha lipoic acid). Some have obtained benefit.
Massage your feet and calves every night before bed.
They're right, there doesn't appear to be a cure that a medical doctor can prescribe so you can be your own doctor or let them determine your future.
Good luck,