It’s time for women to take back the word “feminism” [View all]
Good blog entry by Suzi Parker @ the Washington Post site:
Feminism is not a dirty word.
But some people think it is. A staffer at Beliefnet, a spirituality, inspiration and emotional wellness Web site, told Minnesota playwright Kristine Holmgren that readers had issues with the word feminism.
Holmgren, who planned to use in the word in the title of her new blog for the site, shared an email from Beliefnets marketing and business analyst Sharon Kirk with media writer Jim Romensko on his Web site.
I would suggest changing the tag line or deleting all together as Im concerned about the negative connotation that our readers may associate with the word feminism, the email read. In addition, well want this blog to focus more on Christianity/spirituality as opposed to issues related to feminism. What do you think of simply Sweet Truths with Kristine Holmgren?
Have conservatives so corrupted the word feminist that is now tainted like the word like liberal or environmentalist? The fact that this is even in the realm of discussion in 2013 makes my head ache terribly and makes me angry.