Learn Your Love Language
Take This Fun Quiz
I'm sure I've done an equivalent sometime in the hundreds of hours I've spent pissing time away on quizzies at OKCupid ... but here we go! I'm betting I have to give a credit card at the end.
Oh, good start. Different quizzes for wives and husbands.
Okay, go nowhere three times, turn javascript on ...
"I feel loved when my husband helps me with the laundry"??? This bodes well.
"When my husband helps clean up after me, I know that he loves me." Okay, this is going seriously downhill. Laundry and cleaning up after me are his
Wowsers, some women must get a lot of stuff from their husbands. ........ I finally hit one I can click with confidence! "I love that my husband listens to me and respects my ideas."
Your Scores
6 Words of Affirmation
10 Quality Time
1 Receiving Gifts
5 Acts of Service
8 Physical Touch
The highest score indicates your primary love language (the highest score is 12). Its not uncommon to have two high scores, although one language does have a slight edge for most people. That just means two languages are important to you.
The lower scores indicate those languages you seldom use to communicate love and which probably dont affect you very much on an emotional level. Click Next to learn more about your primary love language and how to put it to use.
Quality Time
In the vernacular of Quality Time, nothing says, I love you, like full, undivided attention. Being there for this type of person is critical, but really being therewith the TV off, fork and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standbymakes your significant other feel truly special and loved. Distractions, postponed dates, or the failure to listen can be especially hurtful.
Right-O, now I'm a husband.
"I feel loved when my wife does my laundry." Right, Jack.
"Keeping the house clean is an important act of service." You betcha.
Snork. I think my wife-me loved my husband's kisses, while my husband-me loves having sex with my wife. My wife-me is such a prude. Or just holding out for more backrubs.
"I love hearing my wife tell me that she believes in me" vs. misses when we've been apart.
Not much difference, considering how negligent I was in doing it:
6 Words of Affirmation
10 Quality Time
0 Receiving Gifts
6 Acts of Service
8 Physical Touch
Okay, off you all go.