It's the dating game. If he doesn't pick me up, hold my doors, pull out my chair, pay for my dinner ... he doesn't respect/value me enough for me to consider him as a candidate for giving sex to.
And women whine about men not doing those things, and men whine about being treated like bank machines. ATMs, you call them down there.
It looks like a double lose for the men, if there's no sex reward at the end, until we realize that all those things are cogs in the wheel of male control. And besides, why shouldn't they have to court a lot of frogettes? Dating isn't a bed of roses for women either.
I've mentioned before that I've never done it, ever. "Dating" is an alien culture to me. I never went out with a man I wasn't at least seriously considering going to bed with, and I never regarded the financial arrangements for the event as having anything to do with that. I paid and pay my way. What adult would not? I don't know whether I was born that way or figured it out for myself, but it was just there when the situation arose and I'm happy with it.
Hell, I'll put my alienation from hetero mating rituals at least as high as any lesbian's! (Are we allowed a little joke?)
I just can't ever figure out why something so simple and obvious to me is such a source of confusion and angst and strife for so many others. I am absolutely floored when I hear such talk. I want to shake both parties smart. Open your damned eyes. You're two human beings. Talk to each other, for the love of pete.