to put women in their place, all in the name of a joke. wink wink. but for a decade we have worked so hard at whorifying women that it is no longer a joke and a wink wink, it is becoming their reality.
i dont think many women "get" that.
they have not been paying attention to what is going on around them.... for many reasons.
women broke away from men being dominant in dependence. men are now trying to get that dominance back in this manner.
my husband and i value each other. when we first married i said to him.... i wont try to manipulate you and you dont with me. we are both clever people. we will both see it and we will both get pissed. so lets just not play that game. it has worked well for us. we also base our relationship on altruism. i see it as the most selfish act. i want the best for him. he wants the best for me. in our unselfishness we are selfishly both getting the best.
i dont really care how others perceive me. i can live with this, the relationship i have. but inevitably we will be listening to these men sadly talk about what is going on in their life with their woman, X woman or lack of woman.