In reply to the discussion: Does this group have a host? [View all]iverglas
(38,549 posts)You participated in the thread in the GLBT group in which I was attacked. You have several posts there.
Does your identification with that community overcome your aversion to seeing women attacked - by false allegation to boot - for expressing a feminist view? -- in that case, expressing disapproval of heterosexual men rating women on their appearance at a website for people who supposely hold values that include the equal rights and dignity of women, and subsequently expressing disapproval of beauty pageants in general, and in fact saying precisely fuck all in any way about the GLBT community or people?
Why did you think it appropriate to comment approvingly on things said in that thread, and not to disapprove of what was said about and to me?
How is what you did in the interests of women, and consistent with the values held by feminists?
edit - and frankly, I have to state straight out that I oppose you being a host of this group, for that reason if no other: you legitimized the attack on a woman speaking as a woman, from a woman's perspective and experience (and worse, an attack based on a demonstrably false allegation), and you legitimized the dismissal of feminist concerns and analysis, by your complicity there.
And that ain't consistent with any SoP a group I want to belong to would adopt.