In reply to the discussion: Does this group have a host? [View all]iverglas
(38,549 posts)On the part of what one might call "regular" members of this group - certainly.
But there is a considerable volume of posts in that thread that express views quite contrary to the SoP adopted for the original group. Discussion of the alleged waves of feminism is one thing; posts from people claiming to be "third-wave feminists" but plainly not sharing any of the analysis that this group was founded on, and confronting long-standing members on what had been understood to be the common analyses of the group, are another.
In the past, the Women's Rights forum was available for discussions of that nature. It still is.
Put simply, I'm not interested in this group at all, if I am to be faced with this kind of confrontation. If I want that, and I seldom do, I can go to GD. Or go find somebody to argue with in real life. I stopped doing that a long time ago, too.
Let's remember this has always been a protected group -- just like other groups on DU. People who don't like that can go somewhere else, and are welcome to invite members of this group to engage them there. Or not, if that is their choice. We have that choice too: not to be engaged by DU members who seek confrontation over what we regard as fundamental issues and analyses. And most especially not to be told to move to the back of the bus. That is what the part of the SoP referred to says:
"This is not a group to discuss gender, class or sexual orientation rights and issues. It is specifically to discuss women's rights and issues as they affect women from a woman's perspective and experience."
Without some common ground -- and yes, some exclusions -- this is just GD writ small.
It is for the group to decide what is fundamental, not for anyone who might want to post here, for whatever reason. And it was decided originally that simply cloaking one's self in the label "feminist", of whatever wave, was not adequate for that purpose.