In reply to the discussion: The Reason I Have Been Silent. [View all]Ruby the Liberal
(26,335 posts)allow me to take this opportunity to publically apologize as well so that I don't break SOP by altering posts that I am not to alter.
This is the post of a proactive leader and I commend you for taking the reins and responsibility for this drama.
Most would not.
I also commend you for calling out (positively) a member of this forum, who is not only educated, but well versed on this topic, and that is rrneck, whom I am quickly developing an unhealthy crush on, based on these posts:
Yes, long, but worth the read, and even moreso, worth attaching as a response to this OP.
Yanno - At the end of the day, I will always know and remember you for this phrase: Feminism is for equality for BOTH sexes.
I know that sounds simplistic, but the meaning spans eons, Neoma.
Thank you for that, and I wish you the best. I would lie if I said I had no doubts, as admin has been silent on the persistent vitriolic, vile, multiheaded troll entities, but I think you have the moxy to handle this in ways that others have shrinked from addressing.
Happy 2012.