...from what I have observed, Feminists feel like they/we get attacked in General, Latest, etc., and want to have a safe place where they/we aren't constantly defending certain things that we, as Feminists, already take as "givens".
It is unfortunate that the "message" is one that seems to be unwelcome elsewhere on DU, but it does indeed seem that Feminist perspectives outside this group are often greeted with derision and a certain degree of "sit down and STFU about your angry Feminist bullshit." So I understand the desire for having this group as a safe haven, and I understand why the group is so protective of its (our) space.
The DU Feminist group shouldn't have to be "apart"... but reality seems to make it so that we are.
That being said, as a relative newcomer, I have observed that there seems to be quite a lot of disagreement about what those "givens" regarding Feminist theory and perspective actually are... hence this recent round of infighting.
Or something like that.
But I honestly don't really know what the fuck I am talking about, it's just how it looks to me after a hanging out here in this group since DU3 was turned on.... (and watching several threads in General go really badly for anyone speaking up from a Feminist perspective).