My brother and sis-in-law have always been the sort to change their behavior based on the child's gender from the second they get that boy-or-girl ultrasound. Much hoopla surrounded the outfit she would wear home from the hospital (but no such concern when her elder brother was a baby...I guess clothes are "a girl thing"?...for him it was all about getting his room painted blue and putting up model airplanes).
Anyway, everyone but me loves sports in my family, so when they first said they were getting her a Cardinals outfit to wear home, I smiled. But then they kept talking. They went out of their way to find a PINK Cardinals onesie, going all the way downtown to the store at Busch Stadium itself because they couldn't find such a thing anywhere else - not surprising considering pink is not one of the team's colors. Then that wasn't enough. My mother whipped out her sewing machine and sewed a little pink SKIRT to the bottom of the onesie. GAG.
And the calling her princess. Ugh. That started at as soon as they knew she'd be a girl...the rest of her time in utero, her name was Princess. Even after birth, when she got an actual name, she is still called this daily. (Her brother, in contrast, gets called "Champ" or "Bud".)