This is what non-partisan reproductive justice looks like... [View all]
I had to go to my local doctors today to see the nurse. Just some routine stuff that the NHS likes to do to you every year to make sure you are not falling over. I was wondering about the waiting room being the only person there and all the seats strapped up and noticed this poster. This is what happens when a uterus is not weaponised for patriarchy and control. Now dont get me wrong we are still a patriarchy in many different ways, in some ways worse than the US, however on this, I am thankful that for generations of girls and women this is not an issue at all.
We know that in the US womens access to abortion in red states has been systemically reduced to near zero, by the far-right religious zealots who control state legislatures. With the nomination of a very far right religious cray cray to the supreme court, this will without any doubt lead to the death of Roe v Wade and red states across the land will stop access to any safe abortions at all and I am very sure will criminalise and jail women who go to safe haven states which will undoubtedly pop up to access abortion where it will remain legal. Meanwhile in the UK, this issue is just not up for debate and any politician trying to make political hay about womens access to reproductive justice, in its myriad of forms, would lose his seat in a heartbeat. In a civic society that at least presents that it wants to try and treat its citizenry as equal participants in democracy, (I mean we are shit at it, but there is a sheen of pretence) we do not do God in our leaders. They may have faith, or not, but other than the odd outlier, they do not bring it up with the great unwashed. So, a woman seeking support to access a termination can go into any Doctors Office in the land and get the help they need. They can get free contraceptions on the NHS, and access to free sexual health clinics if they do not want to see a family doctor. If anyone of any stripe tried to reduce access or defund any part of that they know that the consequences would be felt at the next election. In fact, you know what, no politician is stupid enough to even try and piss off over 50% of the population on a settled matter. Non partisan and not part of the culture war, apart from a handful of wingnuts that get very little traction, I wish it were so for my sisters across the pond.