Yes, They Want You (women, girls) Dead [View all]
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To the politicians pushing anti-choice laws, women dying isnt collateral damageits just our job. They believe that if we were real mothers and real women, wed give up anything for pregnancy: Our education, our finances, our safety, our health and even our lives.
Its a belief so strong theyve enshrined it into law.
So why mince words? Why call abortion rights a difference of opinion or an issue up for debate? This is about a group of people who believe women exist to give birth, and that anything we do that deviates from that expectation makes us unnaturaland ultimately expendable.
So, no: Its not an exaggeration to say that the people who create these laws want us dead. They know what their policies have done and will do.
And we know what they really think of women. Thats why when feminists fight to make sure abortion remains legal and accessible, were not just fighting for choice or for our rights and our bodieswere fighting for our lives.