Running While Female [View all]
Male runners may be shocked to learn how often women must endure on-the-run harassment.
Many female runners have come to just expect it.
A man will look a woman up and down as she runs past. a driver will shout a come-on, laughing with his friends as they speed away. A person on a bike or in a car will follow a woman, and she might dart down a side street to escape. Even if nothing like this happens most days, knowing that it ( or something worse) could happen, causes stress.
As the recent national dialogue surrounding Donald Trumps sexist comments and alleged sexual assaults brought to light - almost all women, runners or not, have endured unwanted sexual attention. And no matter how swift the womans pace, its impossible to outrun harassment.
I used to run many years ago when I was in my 20s, and I can verify that all of these things happened to me, even though I was careful to run during daylight hours, in a safe neighborhood, where people were usually around. Its horrible. I even was harassed when walking down the same streets when I quit running in favor of walking. Even riding my bike, once, a car full of young guys followed me for about a half mile, yelling come-ons at me. Its terrifying.