Bookmarked for later. I have an unusually busy Sunday morning before trip to see the cardiologist tomorrow.
My own experiences, especially with religious RW'er's half a century ago still horrify my nightmares, became tremendously life-disrupting until I had drug-assisted exposure therapy about 15 years ago, after which I recalled so much shit I'd repressed, sublimated. These "there are only 2 genders" idiots are potential murderers and I'm a firsthand witness, unfortunately without enough knowledge being a kid transplant where the murder and suicide happened to pursue any sort of justice for it. I will tell you Westboro was indirectly, but fully culpable.
This was at the same time I was subjected to inhumane treatment because I was outed, involuntarily, as gay. I don't want to get into the story here. But it has the same simpleton component as those idiots who made all to near attempt to deprive me of my life. That community is now one of the "reddest" area in the nation, hopelessly radicalized.
Initially, I was invited to some relatively benign religious services, at first. But these degenerated into ridiculous torture sessions that can make the craziest movie based satanic rituals look calm. At the same time I was taking physics class. Here's the rub:
These religious idiots tended to use examples of "god's miracles" to replace explanations for actions, that, right there in class, were fully quantifiable phenomena. They got mad they couldn't push that idiocy onto me. It started a socially degenerative cycle that got way out of hand, and if even a few of the Trumper there would be honest, they'd realize how horrible the "queers" were treated, one killed, one committed suicide.
I was next.